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allstarstocks. I got 41 points, i am
"Moderate". Please answer the question below and then you know that you
are an Aggressive Investor, a
Conservative Investor or somewhere in between?
Please answer the following questions:
1. I expect to start withdrawing money from my investments for basic necessities in:
A. The next two years
B. Three to five years
C. Six to 10 years
D. Ten to 15 years
E. More than 15 years
2. Over the next 10 years and beyond, it is:
A. Very important that my investments grow in value
B. Somewhat important that my investments grow in value
C. Unimportant whether or not my investments grow in value.
3. My knowledge of investments is:
A. None
B. Limited
C. Good
D. Extensive
4. When making decisions on how to invest my money, I am
A. Most concerned about the possibility of my investment losing value
B. Equally concerned about the possibility of my investment losing or gaining value
C. Most concerned about the possibility of my investment gaining value
5. Regarding my investment returns, I am
A. Very concerned about short-term losses
B. Somewhat concerned about short-term losses
C. Only mildly concerned about short-term losses
D. Unconcerned about short-term losses
6. Which of these investments do you own or have you owned in the past
(select all that apply):
A. Money market funds/cash equivalents
B. Bonds/bond funds
C. Stocks/stock funds
D. International securities/funds
7. What would be your reaction if the stock market dropped by 25% in value over a three- month period and a stock you own also dropped by 25% in value?
A. Sell all my shares
B. Sell some of my shares
C. Keep all my shares
D. Buy more shares
8. Review the annual returns of the three hypothetical investment plans below. Based on the range of possible outcomes, which plan would be most acceptable to you based on your investment philosophy, objectives, and threshold for risk?
Investment Plans
A. Average annual return: 5%. Worst case one-year scenario: -5%. Best case one-year scenario: +15%
B. Average annual return: 7.5%. Worst case one-year scenario: -12%. Best case one-year scenario: +22%
C. Average annual return: 10%. Worst case one-year scenario: -25%. Best case one-year scenario: +40%
Scoring Your Test What kind of investor are you--conservative, moderate or aggressive?
Question, Answer Points.
1 A 0, B 5, C 10, D 12, E 15
2 A 10, B 5, C 0.
3 A 0,B 1,C 2,D 3
4 A 0,B 8,C 15
5 A 0,B 4,C 7,D 10
6 (If you pick more than one answer, count the points that you choose) A 0, B 3, C 4, D 5.
7 A 0, B 5, C 10, D 15
8 A 0, B 10, C 20
Total (add up all scores from all categories): ____________
Your personal profile:
88-100 Aggressive. Aggressive investors tend to be long-term oriented and are interested in the maximum possible growth of assets. They have little or no interest in taxable income. Some year to year volatility is acceptable in exchange for potentially high long-term returns.
65-87Moderately Aggressive. These investors are also focused on the long term, and are looking for good growth, but have little or no need for taxable currrent income. Some risk with part of the portfolio is acceptable in return for the long-term growth potential that the stock market offers.
40-64Moderate. These are generally long-term oriented investors with little or no need for taxable current income. They prefer reasonable but stable investment growth. Some fluctuations are tolerable, but they typically diversify with other investments to help mitigate volatility from their stock holdings.
25-39Moderately Conservative. These investors covet current income, safety and stability, but also see the need for some long-term growth—if for no other reason than to offset the effects of inflation. They are more heavily-weighted in fixed income investments, but also hold a diversified portfolio of stocks.
0-24Conservative (and Short Term). Preservation of capital is the primary concern of conservative and short-term investors. They tend to prefer fixed income, short-term, and tax-advantaged investments, but also allocate some assets to stocks as part of a well-diversified portfolio.