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Sunday, April 4, 2010

IHSG Has Good Increase

Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG), a successful scoring 280.963 points increase (11.02%) during the trading March 1 until 1 April 2010. Daily transaction volume increased by 29.02% and a daily transaction value also increased by 42.69% in trading in March 2010.

During 5 consecutive weeks, JCI continues to strengthen accompanied by increase in volume and value of transactions. At the close of the first week in March 2010, on March 5, 2010, JCI was in the level of 2578.772, up 29.739 points (1.16%) from the close of February 25, 2010 at the level of 2549.033.

At the close of March 12, 2010, JCI was in the level of 2666.511, up 87.739 points (3.4%) of the closing March 5, 2010. Then on March 19, 2010, JCI closed up 76.463 points (2.86%) from the closing March 12, 2010.

The increase continues, the trade March 26, 2010, JCI closed at the level of 2813.082, up 70.108 points from the closing March 19, 2010. Finally, on 1 April 2010 trade, JCI closed at the level of 2829.996, up 16.914 points (0.6%) of the closing March 26, 2010.

Cumulatively, the increase in JCI since the close of February 25, 2010 until 1 April 2010 to reach 280.963 points (11.02%) to a level of closure 2829.996 February 25, 2010 at the level of 2549.033.

The number of shares traded during the trading during the same period (23 trading days) reached 243,980,150 lot or 121.990 billion shares with a total transaction value of Rp 119.035 trillion.

While specifically, the period of 1 to 31 March 2010 (not including trading 1 April 2010), the total volume of shares traded reached 228,435,723 lot or a total of 114.217 billion shares with a total transaction value of Rp 105.010 trillion.

Trade in March 2010 consisted of 22 trading days. Thus, the average transaction volume for March 2010 reached 5.191 billion shares, up 29.09% of the average volume of shares traded during the period February 2010 were 4.021 billion shares.

The average value of daily transactions in the same period reached USD 4.773 trillion, up 42.69% from the period of February 2010 amounted to USD 3.345 trillion.

Indonesia - The benchmark interest rate Bank Indonesia (BI Rate) is estimated to be around 7.5% through the end of 2010 along with the increasing level of inflation rate to 5-6% which will begin in the second half of 2010. As a result of rising crude palm oil prices will reach $ 90 per barrel.

He added, with a predicted rise in inflation to reach 5.5% until the end of this year, BI was not obliged to raise its benchmark interest rate. However Ichsan view, more due to the increase in the BI rate as the national banking authority commitment is to always keep the inflation growth.

Central Statistics Agency (BPS) previously recorded 0.14% deflation occurred during March. It will make BI comfortably maintain the BI Rate at 6.5% range. Predicted the new BI BI Rate would be tempted to change in 2011.

With deflation during the month of March reached 0.14%, the amount of cumulative inflation from January to March 2010 0.99%. While year on year inflation in February 2010 is 3.43%.

BECAREFUL the faster the ride, the more rapid drop!! DO NOT BUY AT THIS TIME DANGEROUS!!!!!


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