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Friday, October 30, 2009

Create FUNNY picture!!

How to customize picture or photo?? When think like that, I try to customize it with some software, but it is really difficult. But I found an easy way to create it! It is can be very FUN and easy to use, just upload your photo, like: birthday photo, college photo, family photo, etc and then combine it with frame that you like. Very many examples of the frame and easy to use.

It is very funny you can combine your friend’s photo with monkey picture, or wanted poster frame. Example like the picture below:

Original Photo

Original Photo

Sun Set Frame

Sun Set Frame

Wanted Frame

Wanted Frame

Newspaper Frame

Newspaper Frame

Monkey Frame

Monkey Frame

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Break BOX DOWN 27 October 09

My money RP 1.368.335

I calculate the commission at the time of selling shares
Total commission for buy and sell stock is 0,7%

13 Lots INDF at average price 3011.5

SELL INDF (Indofood Tbk) STOCK, 27 October 09
13 Lots at price 3100=13 x 500 x 3100 = 20.150.000 – (0.007*20.150.000)= 20.008.950


MY MONEY NOW RP 21.377.285

As I said yesterday here, if moved below 2430 must sell anything, so I sell my stock!!

I tell you tomorrow when to buy again OK!!

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Time to Day TRADE my frienddd


IHSG (Indonesia Stock Exchange) reach new heights at 2530, but after that candlestick can not break that point! Ihsg moving in the range from 2430 to 2530.

IHSG Technical Analysis

1.Candle Inside BOX

2.Volume iw LOW

3.RSI à still BULL position

4.Stochastic show time to buy!

5.William%r show again to buy!


Watch out This is sideway! If candlestick move through 2530 you can buy again! Otherwise if it move down below 2430 do not Buy anything or sell all the shares that you have!!

Because its sideways, Its time for day trading! Buy and sell within this range :

1.BUMI 2700-3000

2.INDF 3100-3200

3.ANTM 2550-2650

4.TINS 2100-2200

5.PTBA 14500-14800

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Technical Analysis analyzing come from???

Since we would all have the same completely logical expectations, prices would only change when quarterly reports or relevant news was released, like politic issue, unemployment news, annual report, demand, and etc. Investors would seek "overlooked" fundamental data in an effort to find undervalued prices. This theory concludes that it is impossible to forecast prices, since prices already reflect everything. That the future can be found in the past

If prices are based on investor expectations, then knowing what a security should sell for (i.e., fundamental analysis) becomes less important than knowing what other investors expect it to sell for. That's not to say that knowing what a security should sell for isn't important--it is. But there is usually a fairly strong consensus of a stock's future earnings that the average investor cannot disprove.

Technical analysis is the process of analyzing a historical prices in an effort to determine probable future prices. This is done by comparing current price action (i.e., current expectations) with comparable historical price action to predict a reasonable outcome. The devout technician might define this process as the fact that history repeats itself while others would suffice to say that we should learn from the past. The roulette wheel In my experience, only a minority of technicians can consistently and accurately determine future prices. However, even if you are unable to accurately forecast prices, technical analysis can be used to consistently reduce your risks and improve your profits.

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to know what a price will be in the future to make money. Your goal should simply be to making profitable trades. Even if your analysis is as simple as determining the long-, intermediate-, and short-term trends, you will have gained an edge that you would not have without technical analysis. While the company may have great earnings prospects and fundamentals, it just doesn't make sense to buy this stock until there is some technical analysis evidence in the price that trend is changing. Read More....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What is Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is the study of stock with chart as primary tool to decide that stock is expensive or not. Technical analysis come from DOW Theory, created by Charles dow at 1990. It include such principles as the trending nature of prices, prices discounting all known confirmation, divergence and information. And its called Modern analysis!!

The result represents human habit. Technical analysis is the habit as one person agrees to buy and another agrees to sell. The price at which an investor is willing to buy or sell depends primarily on his expectations. If he expects the price to rise, he will buy it; if the investor expects the price to fall, he will sell it. These simple statements are the cause of a major challenge in prices, because they refer to human expectations. As we all know firsthand, humans are not easily quantifiable nor predictable. This fact alone will keep any mechanical trading system from working consistently.

Because humans are involved, I am sure that much of the world's investment decisions are based on irrelevant criteria. Our relationships with our family, our neighbors, our employer, the traffic, our income, and our previous success and failures, all influence our confidence, expectations, and decisions. The prices are determined by money managers and home managers, students and strikers, doctors and dog catchers, lawyers and landscapers, and the wealthy and the wanting. This breadth of market participants guarantees an element of unpredictability and excitement.

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mining n food sector 6 October 09

sorry for late update. I have trouble with my computer again sorry >,<.


My money RP 20.943.335

I calculate the commission at the time of selling shares
Total commission for buy and sell stock is 0,7%


BUY INDF (Indofood Tbk) STOCK, 6 October 09
7 Lots at price 3000=7 x 500 x 3000 = 10.500.000

6 Lots at price 3025=7 x 500 x 3025 = 9.075.000

13 Lots INDF at average price 3011.5

MY MONEY NOW RP 1.368.335

I will show u my prediction tommorow okey!! all YOU have to know that NOW TREND BACK TU BULLISH AGAIN!!

Buy Mining and Food sector!!!

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